Saturday, August 1, 2009

Family Reunion 2 Nield

OK, stop counting, I'll just tell you...87. It was quite a feat but a great experience to meet so many wonderful people. I think I impressed my neighbors with how well I knew and remembered names. Kevin leaned over to Stephanie and said, "I think she knows more of your family than I do." Well, when you're a teacher, you have to remember lots of names quick. So, I shot the large family then did 2 "small" families and lots of "smaller" families. That's small in number, not as in miniatures:)

The Patriarch and Matriarch of this great clan

I guess the sibling teasing never goes away.

I love the dynamics of this picture. Everyone is "struggling" except for little Bella, just kicking back in the chair.

I guess this shoot actually had 2 more mini "family reunions".

This was a great and big shoot. I had some great helpers which I am so grateful to, Mike & Melinda Wallis and Stephanie Thomas.

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