Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring Break: WOO HOO

Don't expect florida spring break pics here, this is St George with the kids:) We had such a great time. We went down with two other families on our street. It was so relaxing and just restful. Here are a few of the fun things we did.

Double Dutch was seriously a highlight of the trip. We had so much fun. I think the kids LOVED seeing their moms and dads jumping. I love Lizzie's face here, you can see how much fun she is having.

We had a picnic at the Dixie bluff and then went to the "Dizzy Park". Everything here made you dizzy!!!! I don't think I want to go back.

This was the craziest ride. Oh my gosh. I got off and could barely walk and I wanted to vomit. I was seriously nautious for about an hour.

We went to Snow Canyon to take Morgan's senior pics and took a few of the kids while we were at it.

These pics really represent my kiddos. Jason doens't like to get his picture taken so he always does goofy poses. He got these glasses at the dollar store and wore them the rest of the trip. He thought he could see better with them than his normal glasses. We went to the eye doc the next week and told him about the glasses and he decided to raise the prescription. Good on you Jason.

Rachel loves to do fun and silly modeling poses.

Lizzie just flashes the perfect smile each time.

Here's Morgan (from the previous post) and her sis Hailee.

And the cute Pulsipher kids.

Caden was a ham. He was just hilarious.

While we were at the park, cute little Max was playing on the same toy as our kids. I was taking a bunch of pictures and Max's mom asked if I wouldn't mind taking a few of her son and then email them to her. He was so cute and I was happy to do it.

Thanks Pulsipher's for sharing your beautiful home. It was just what the doctor ordered.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

I love the jump roping pictures! Looks so fun! :) Glad it was a good vacation!